Sunday, September 9, 2007

Trip To The Vet

Alright, as said in my previous update.. I said I'll be going to the vet today for my review with dr heng at the joyous vet... And so today mummy and grandma gave me a bath in the afternoon first so that i'll be smelling so nice that every doggies will come and smell me...

** Precious me inside the cab, on the way to the vet **

We reached the clinic only to find that there's so many doggies and 1 or 2 cats there waiting to see the vet as well..and me, went sniffing around the doggies and making friends... But lucky us, we've a appointment already... So we went to see doctor heng on time...

Dr Heng told mummy that precious me is better already... Time being need not go for a x-ray test.. So just need to carry on with the medications for 2 1/2 more months first, hopefully to cure it all up... And go back for another review plus blood test on december...

And, Dr Heng says precious me has become a fatter doggie... I cannot gain more weight anymore else I'll be overweight!!!! So i guess mummy is going to cut down on my HCF to maybe 1 - 2 times per week only..

** The only medication I was given **

And so, we reached home shortly after... While mummy, she's beginning to plan my meals all over again for dear me... btw, I'm now 6.7kg... I cannot exceed 7kg else I'll be a fat doggie... So I'll make sure I lose some weight to 6.5kg?? Hee... But mummy loves the way I am as long as I'm healthy...

Alright, till I update again....


1 comment:

powder-puff said...

HEY happy!!!

GLAD to hear your vet trip went well!!!!!

wait did the docter say you were almost FAT.....NO WAY , you deserve HCF EVERY single night even if you are a FAT doggie.....which your NOT!!!!!
...well it could have its advantages *ahem* MORE WALKS for

peace out