Saturday, August 25, 2007

Home Cooked Food (HCF)

Mummy decided to be nice today and cooked HCF (home cooked food) for me... And so, she decided on salmon with carrots for today's dinner... I'm beginning to love salmon more and more...
** Salmon with carrots, looks so nice and yummy **
** And I finished them all up in less than 3 minutes **

After my nice dinner, mummy gave me a very nice belly rub.. Belly rub has become one of my favourite activities everyday as its so comfortable and enjoyable...

Mummy also says I'm getting smelly, hence tomorrow she's going to bathe me.. Now, bathing is something i dont like... So I guess, I'll try to run from the bathing session tomorrow...

A very shorty post today.. Till I update again.. Have a good night fellow doggies and humans...



powder-puff said...

hey HAPPY!!

wow you got a home cooked meal all i get is stinkin kibbel!!!

But did that salmon look yummy or what i was drooling by the end of your post!!!
you better plan an elabrote escape from your bath, hoomans are not easily fooled!!!

peace out

~Sweety~ said...

Hi Happy,

I love home cook food too..

But JJ and mummy seldom give me eat nowadays.

keep in Touch.

Lots of Love,