Thursday, August 30, 2007

Raining Days

Its been raining recently so often in singapore here.. And so, mummy says she wont bathe me just yet cause she's scared dear me will get a cold... Which means, mummy says she'll let me remain a smelly dog first.. although I hate bathing, but mummy.. I dont wanna be a smelly dog!!! (mummy: okok, I'll see if i can bathe you tomorrow ok?)

Didnt went for my walks as well, and so i can only sleep and play with my bone bone... Which is my favourite toy toy... Will show you guys the photo of my bone bone if i can...
Recently I'm addicted to HCF, and so when mummy and grandma give me my dog food.. I only ate some and I didnt want anymore... Well, you cant blame me... HCF are simply too nice and yummy... But, dont worry mummy.. I did still eat my dog food didnt I?? So, I'm not that picky afterall...

Ok, here's a link to this music video by Ella from S.H.E.. ... She wrote this song to her dog which had passed away and all funds will be given to stray animal homes/shelters in taiwan... Its a very touching song, and mummy even cried while looking at the music video... PS: the song is in chinese...

Alright, there's no photos today i guess.. Maybe tomorrow i guess... bye fellow doggies and humans...


1 comment:

powder-puff said...

HEY happy!!!

a rainy day huh!?!

at least your bath will be delyaed another day, but i dont blame you for not want to be a STINKY dog!!

cant wait to see some pictures of your bone bone!!!

peace out